
Download final fantasy vi gba
Download  final fantasy vi gba

download final fantasy vi gba

The Brave New World patch completely removes the censorship from the international SNES version.Circa 2006, Square Enix decided to cash in their chips with a portable conversion of their 1994 release, Final Fantasy VI. There is a uncensored fan translation for the SNES version that you can download online. The international GBA version is less censored than the international SNES version, but is still more censored than the original Japanese release and the PlayStation release. The original Japanese Super Famicom release is completely uncensored, and the PlayStation release is mostly uncensored. In the GBA version, Celes is no longer being beaten by the guards, instead they taunt her.

  • The scene that shows Locke seeing Celes imprisoned in South Figaro was modified for the GBA release.
  • The salutes the Imperial soldiers give to Gestahl in a flashback scene was altered to avoid resemblance to the Nazi salute.
  • The "Deathgaze" enemy was renamed "Doom Gaze".
  • In the GBA version onwards Celes is no longer being beaten by the guards, instead they taunt her.
  • The spell "Hell's Rider" was renamed to "Rider".
  • The spell "Jihad" was renamed to "Crusader".
  • download final fantasy vi gba

    In the international version the sign was renamed to "Cafe". Any scene that shows a sign that says "Pub" was modified for the international release.As a result you can no longer see her cleavage. In the international version her clothing was digitally extended. The female that is next to Hit on the Tower of Gods was modified for the international release.The second tier "Magic" has his groin area darkened while Hit has a loincloth to cover his butt and Maria's breasts were made smaller.

    download final fantasy vi gba

  • The scene that shows the Tower of Gods was censored.
  • The GBA version is slightly less censored.
  • In the International release additional mist was added.
  • The Goddess half of the Chadarnook sprite was modified for the international release.
  • In the international version her clothes were extended.
  • The Goddess's sprite was modified for the International release.
  • In the International version the smoke that is coming out of the pipe was removed.
  • The pipe that is being held by the Madam's enemies in Kefka Tower was modified for the international release.
  • Critic/Alluring Rider spirit was modified for the International release.
  • Esper Starlet's sprite was modified for the International release.
  • In the GBA version it is slightly less censored instead just giving her underwear.
  • In the international version her clothes were digitally extended and she is now wearing shorts, as a result you can no longer see her butt.
  • Esper Siren's sprite was modified for the international release.

  • Download  final fantasy vi gba